Friday, May 11, 2012

Social Service

Social Service

We live in a society. Social service is the service given to the people living in the society. It is a virtue to help those people who are in trouble. A man is affected by the natural calamity like flood. We help him by providing some money. This is an example of social service.
There is a need of social service. Nobody can solve his problem by himself. One can be in trouble at any time. If we help others, others will help us. If we do not help others, we cannot get help from others. Social service is accepted as a good virtue by all religions. It can improve our society.
Social service can be rendered in different forms. Rich persons can serve the society by spending money. They can provide money to build schools, roads, hospitals. They can also create a fund to help the orphans, poor and helpless people. Those who cannot afford money can help the society by doing manual labor. They can participate in the developmental activities by constructing roads, cleaning streets etc. Social service has many advantages. It is advantageous to both the giver and the receiver. The receiver is directly benefitted whereas the giver is indirectly benefitted. The giver wins the love and respect of the society. He can get the help of the society whenever he needs. It helps to develop the society.
Social service is necessary in our country. The majority of the people in our country are poor and illiterate. They need the help of others. Everybody who lives in the society is man. There are very few people who are passing comfortable life. They should help the majority of the people who are passing miserable life. It is a virtue to help a man by man. Our country cannot develop if such poor unfortunate people are not helped by rich fortunate ones.
Students should learn many things. Among them the social service is one. They should be encouraged to participate in the social activities like cleaning the streets, planting trees and helping the people who are affected by natural calamities.
It is clear that social service is a great virtue. We must have the feeling of social service to help the needy people.

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