Friday, May 11, 2012

Adult Education

Adult Education
Those people who are grown up are called adults. The education given to the adults is called adult education. In some of the developed countries of the world, there is no need of adult education as education is compulsory and everyone is educated. But in developing countries like ours, the majority of the people are uneducated. So there is a need of adult education in such countries.
There is a need and importance of adult education. Adults are engaged in productive activities. The development of the country depends upon their activities. If they are not educated, they do not know the problems of the country. They do not have any knowledge of the developmental plans- Uneducated people are exploited. They are conservative. They do not identify the importance of change. They do not know what is happening in the world.
Majority of the people in Nepal are peasants who live mainly in the villages. The development of the country depends on the progress of the peasants. If the condition of peasants is improved, our country can be developed. In Nepal, the peasants are uneducated. They follow the traditional methods of farming. That is why the production is low. They are cheated by the businessmen. They do not have any idea about co-operative bands. They have no idea about the importance of sanitation and health. Their houses and surroundings are dirty. They are frequently affected by disease because of poor sanitation. It is the education which can improve the condition of the peasants. If the peasants are educated, they send their children to schools. By educating the adults, we are helping to educated the majority of the people

The adult classes should be conducted in the evening. It is a suitable time as the farmers are free during evening. They should be taught to read and write. In addition to this, they should be taught about different types of skills that help them to do their different activities. They should be taught about household activities, improved methods of farming etc.
It is the duty of the government to provide adult education in the different parts of the country. There are many non-governmental organizations that are also conducting adult classes. There must be co-ordination between the activities of the government and such organizations. The classes should focus on making the adults literate. They should also be taught the skills; they need to learn to do their day to day function. The Village Development Committee also can start classes. The local schools can play vital role in educating the local people. The government should give incentives to the adults to attract them in such classes. They should be supplied with necessary educational materials and prizes.
Adult education is needed to develop our country. Every Village Development Committee, schools, campuses governments and non-governmental organization should help to educated adults.

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