Friday, May 11, 2012

Cottage industries

Cottage industries
We make many things from the natural objects and agricultural products. They can be made on a small scale or on a large scale. Cottage industries are small industries. Potters make pots, weavers weave cloth at home, and smiths make iron and steel tools. They are produced by hands or small machines. They can be carried on independently by individuals. They do not require huge amount of money.
There are varieties of cottage industries. Some of them are weaving, spinning, carpentry, smithy, pottery, basket making, poultry-farming, cloth printing, carpet making, carving in wood, shawl making, shoe making, embroidering.
Nepal is world-famous in ancient arts and handcrafts. They are produced by individuals in small scale. There are other small industries like weaving, carpentry, cloth making. But they are declining day by day. They gods produced from cottage industries are comparatively dear. So such industries are not in a position to compete with the goods imported or produced in the country from big industries. That is why; cottage industries are declining day by day.
Nepal is a poor country. They majority of the people in our country are poor. There is the lack of adequate capital to run the big industries. So cottage industries are important. Most of the people in our country live in the villages and they are farmers. They farmers are out of work during dry seasons. During this time cottage industries can provide them employment. Such industries preserve our traditional arts and handcrafts. The foreigners are attracted by such things.
Many people from the villages migrate to the cities for employment. Hence the cities are crowded. The cottage industries help the people to get employment in the villages. Cottage industries supply the goods of different quality to satisfy consumers. Woolen shawls produced in the hilly reasons are good quality. The workers are exploited by the mill owners in the factories. But there is no chance of exploitation in cottage industries as the workers the masters themselves in such industries. In a factory, machine is used which does the work of many hands. Hence, many people are out of work. Cottage industries help many people by giving employment. The woman can support the men if cottage industries are developed.
Cottage industries are established in different parts of country. But they are not properly organized. The department of cottage industries of His Majesty’s Government is helping them. But it is not enough. The cottage industries should be developed throughout the country. The training centers should be open. The loans should be provided to run such industries. Nepal Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) helps the cottage industries by providing loans but it is not enough. It must be provided at reasonable interest.
The development of Nepal depends on the development of village. Cottage industries help for the development of the village. That is why the government should give special attention to flourish such industries in the nook and corner of the country.

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